jimgoodinmusic's listening history

trawnajim's avatar
Three different versions of a similar line created using the onboard sequencer on a Roland SE-02. the different voices were created by changing settings on a Casio DH-100 digital horn attached via MIDI, and playing the horn. Submitted to Sound…
vaisvil's avatar
Female vocal with cello section in Pythagorean tuning Public Domain poem from T.S. Eliot III You tossed a blanket from the bed, You lay upon your back, and waited; You dozed, and watched the night revealing The thousand sordid images…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Another with the same sequence of Serial but processed through VCV Rack with synth modules, midi tracking the structure.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Some new energy inspired this week by successfully making a USB host on a Raspberry Pi to be a new midi controller. Most of the voices on this layered piece that grew from a single melody were done with an 80's Yamaha TX81Z synth module. I relayered…
LOS PERDIOS's avatar
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
inspired by iOS Line 6 amp model name 5 shades of blue, this was second improv
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
inspired by iOS Line 6 amp model name 5 shades of blue, this was first improv
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
A Pure Data Generative synth piece done just after Solstice.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
from a work in progress album I started recently after getting some new inspiration from my midi setup and enjoying playing keyboard again. So far none of this is sequenced. Looping but playing the segments.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
I'm working on a series of new pieces for an electro-acoustic album. As this one is most are done using Pure Data as a somewhat compositional playing in the process. I'm capturing real time playing to loop tables and then laying them into an…