kauaikta's listening history

kauaikta's avatar
This is with both of us singing. Actually, it's 2 Amy takes and one Keith. Thought it was fun to keep both of her! :) Have a Blessed Easter!
kauaikta's avatar
Second song from our concert. Sometimes we need to stay strong in the face of darkness, and keep hoping for the moon to shine through the clouds.
kauaikta's avatar
Audience laughed because I was introducing my netbook as "my band." The track was made using "band-in-the-box" since I don't have any real music-programming or multi-instrumentalist skills. :) Got my 12-yr old daughter to join us on this one…
kauaikta's avatar
Second song from our concert. Sometimes we need to stay strong in the face of darkness, and keep hoping for the moon to shine through the clouds.
kauaikta's avatar
Second song from our concert. Sometimes we need to stay strong in the face of darkness, and keep hoping for the moon to shine through the clouds.
kauaikta's avatar
Just a song that took off from the title phrase appearing in my brain.
kauaikta's avatar
Just a song that took off from the title phrase appearing in my brain.
kauaikta's avatar
Just a song that took off from the title phrase appearing in my brain.
kauaikta's avatar
Just a song that took off from the title phrase appearing in my brain.
kauaikta's avatar
A rush job, but wanted Amy to hear it right away. I didn't get to the harmony vocal on the last section because I flubbed it the first take, and then the carpenter came to work on the house, so "I shame" (Pidgin English). Aloha!