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Angels All Around


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Let us silence the beat of the drums of war
and listen for the Messenger Wind
We will dance in the light of the newborn star
Let the Song of Redemption begin

“Peace on Earth!
Love is found!”
sing the angels all around

“Breath of Heaven,
Grace abounds!”
sing the angels all around

Let us wander no more in the wilderness
Let the light of His Love lead the way
When we hear “Glory, glory in the highest!”
We will cry, “God is with us today!”

“Peace on Earth!
Love is found!”
sing the angels all around

“Breath of Heaven,
Grace abounds!”
sing the angels all around

2012 Keith T. Amano

kauaikta's avatar
kauaikta said

Thanks, Bethan! Happy Christmas!

Guest said

Lovely song indeed! I love this guys. Well constructed, great chorus, beautifully played and sung. Peace, Bethan x

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