kavin.'s listening history

Mario Tomic's avatar
Guitar + vocal by Mario Tomic Music and lyrics by Mario Tomic Protected by SOCAN Music genre / artist genre ONAC & Americana Rock Recorded in Toronto
thetworegs's avatar
When a daughter is not having it so good....... Other days I can argue with you, till I’m blue in the face man Or I can conversate with you, like your a friend I tell you I’m lost, on this lonely road of life There ain’t no sign to show…
bwsmith's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
Genres: Urban/Hip-Hop: Rhythm and Blues Urban/Hip-Hop: Soul Album: Its About Soul Artist's description: a collaboration Contributors: thetworegs vocals Norm percussion and didgeridoo Chris guitars n stuff.
vaisvil's avatar
Fisherman and the Siren by Lord Frederic Leighton This is a blues collaboration between The TwoRegs (vocals / lyrics) and Norm Harris (percussion) and myself (17 note per octave electric guitar and fretless bass). We hope you enjoy it…
Jeff Sampson's avatar
A "pasture"ized street melody. Bret Harold Hart: string stuff Eric Wallack: drum kit Jeff: voice stuff
Breaking Light's avatar
kavin.'s avatar
I’m going down To the ground Half a step Then look around I make an unsettling sound Devil in the details Music is the thing The flatted fifth Makes a diabolic ring
mr-glen's avatar
Funky version i created of a a friends song. (thetworegs)
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Inspired by RFK's Mindless Menace of Violence Speech Lyrics Perhaps we can remember if only for a time that violence stops for no man being rich and poor,and black or white we share the same old dreams a captive moment in our lives…