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A rocksong

KC - guitar, vocals, mix
Bingsolex - guitar
Erwin B - bass, recording
Hans nooitgedagt Jr - drums

Gary Fox's avatar
Gary Fox said

Fantastic spread and air in this mix. Loving the groove on the gtr coming out of the far right speaker. Nice!

doktordoktor's avatar
doktordoktor said

Like this song. Great melody and sound.

grathy (Mary McGrath)'s avatar
grathy (Mary McGrath) said

Nice to see you here, and hear your music again.

pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Awesome band sound. :) Great vox

Guest said

Hey KC, Whew! Was afraid I would never hear from you again. Great tune and a very colorful new photo I see. Looks like you drank a Lava Lamp. LOL Wesley

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