18 tracks by key88
inspired by kvr music cafe 08-2015 contest, picture of dolls at beach under umbrella, spooky and eerie to say the least, all pittsburgh modular and reaper
March 2014 entry for kvr music cafe
Its a strange march forward that's for sure!
My wife says that this would be good for a soundtrack and it made her think of David and Goliath
A Reason Class project, I thought it might be fun to do something funky in 5/4 and jack the tempo around a bit
This is the same piece recorded once with octava mikes and then with AKG mikes as a final for the protools class
A short project in a community college protools class where we had to create a song from what ever we could record in the class, like key chains ect.. It made me think of a scene in a movie where the submarine is diving.