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FutureLoop by Kongress


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FutureLoop by Kongress - the track includes my New 10 Commandments which the AI ChatGPT analyzed here -

These commandments appear to be a modern interpretation of traditional religious commandments, but with a focus on personal responsibility and self-improvement.

  1. The first commandment, “There is no God save Man,” appears to be a statement about human self-reliance and the importance of taking personal responsibility for one’s actions.
  2. “You shall not be Idle” emphasizes the importance of productivity and hard work.
  3. “You shall not take the nameless Drug in your vein” is a warning against drug addiction and the dangers of substance abuse.
  4. “Remember your Bath Day to cleanse your Soul” may be a reference to the importance of personal hygiene and self-care.
  5. “Honor your Father & your Mother country” highlights the importance of loyalty and respect for one’s parents and country.
  6. “You shall not Kill the Messenger” is a reminder to not blame the messenger for the message, which suggest that people should be held accountable for their own actions.
  7. “You shall not commit Adulthood” is not clear and might be a metaphor for something else.
  8. “You shall not Steel when there is Titanium” is a metaphor that encourages innovation and progress, suggesting that people should not be satisfied with the status quo and should strive for something better.
  9. “Don’t be frightened by the Eyes of the Witness” is a reminder to not be afraid of others seeing or judging one’s actions, which suggest that one should always be true to oneself.
  10. “You shall not Cover it (In Freaks We Trust)” is not clear, as it seems to be a reference to something that is unclear to me.

FutureLoop was an instrumental I created last Spring, but I needed lyrics. Part of the lyrics came from a review I received from mp3hugger at SubmitHub, where he stated “…the vocals coming across like a deity dishing out the new 10 commandments…”, so I wrote the New 10 Commandments for Halloween. Still, I needed inspiration. On 12/22/22, after testing positive for Covid two days earlier, I was suffering one of the worst days. I was watching CNBC & heard some haunting, yet familiar music leading into the commercial break. I knew I heard the riff or something similar. I realized it was one of the samples I paid for & used in creating the music for FutureLoop! I even called CNBC to try & track down the other music which seems to play almost every day, sometimes with talking above, at about 10:40 AM. They couldn’t track down where the music came from, so I proceeded with my version. On 12/22/22, I wrote the opening lyrics to the middle part. I left an open recurrence of the middle part music, not counting measures & then in late January I made two vocal recordings - first the new lyrics, then the New 10 Commandments. They fit right in the space of music I provided (First Takes)! It was Magickal! Then, I worked on the video for three consecutive nights from January 30th though past midnight on February 2nd. The previous night I was frustrated, as I had run out of footage from my usual source, but the next day I meticulously went through some old footage I had on an external drive & found the clips that sprung into action throughout, but mostly for the part after the vocals. I had actually considered shortening the ending part, but the clips made it work. It’s not perfect, but it coincides with my astrology chart from two weeks ago - The circle can and will be complete—if you’re willing to let it find its own way of completing itself. But I’m a bit worried that an outdated part of you may cling to the hope of a perfection that’s neither desirable nor possible. To that outdated part of you, I say this: Trust that the Future You will thrive on the seeming imperfections that arise. Trust that the imperfections will be like the lead that the Future You will alchemically transmute into gold. The completed circle can’t be and shouldn’t be immaculate and flawless.
Is it the Gold spoken of above? Maybe - only Time will tell. The title FutureLoop is a tribute to the Peter Diamandis Newsletter by the same name that I tell my students to subscribe to @
