koraz's listening history

Jack Denlinger's avatar
this starts with a very simple hard rock beat. then it starts gettin funky then it gets jazzy. somebody said they'd like to dance to it. knock yourself out.
Jack Denlinger's avatar
this starts with a very simple hard rock beat. then it starts gettin funky then it gets jazzy. somebody said they'd like to dance to it. knock yourself out.
Jack Denlinger's avatar
this starts with a very simple hard rock beat. then it starts gettin funky then it gets jazzy. somebody said they'd like to dance to it. knock yourself out.
Jack Denlinger's avatar
this starts with a very simple hard rock beat. then it starts gettin funky then it gets jazzy. somebody said they'd like to dance to it. knock yourself out.
Jack Denlinger's avatar
this starts with a very simple hard rock beat. then it starts gettin funky then it gets jazzy. somebody said they'd like to dance to it. knock yourself out.
Jack Denlinger's avatar
this starts with a very simple hard rock beat. then it starts gettin funky then it gets jazzy. somebody said they'd like to dance to it. knock yourself out.
Jack Denlinger's avatar
this starts with a very simple hard rock beat. then it starts gettin funky then it gets jazzy. somebody said they'd like to dance to it. knock yourself out.
another cultural landslide's avatar