Lena & Irina Panfilova's listening history

 ShamPain's avatar
Very rough sketch of something I am working on, with my even sketchier vocals. All about how we seem to be intent on using up everything this planet has to offer. Any ideas or comments please
cruncheeliquid's avatar
 ShamPain's avatar
A song all about the passing of time, the seasons, love and life
 ShamPain's avatar
I was sitting watching TV and having a strum. decided to plug in my little zoom hand held and this is what I got. Just as it came live with just a tad of delay added
 ShamPain's avatar
This is what it says on the can. Don't know what cat it should go in. It evolved over a few weeks and was made using a synth, guitar synth and emx.
 ShamPain's avatar
Very rough sketch of something I am working on, with my even sketchier vocals. All about how we seem to be intent on using up everything this planet has to offer. Any ideas or comments please
 ShamPain's avatar
This was done using a vocal track that Imogen Heap put up. This is my music to back that up. 90% of it was done using a roland guitar synth, the gr20
 ShamPain's avatar
Folky song about a mans life at sea. written a few years ago.
 ShamPain's avatar
So this bloody flakey thing is still developing and I have started to play with some vocals. I have also made lots of small changes and changed the rhythm of the middle section completely
 ShamPain's avatar
Idea that I am playing with. want to add some vocals and try to see if I can add some guitar and make it fit in, what do you think so far?