Len Sasso's listening history
track 7 from the album "Une Histoire de DMs avec Bleu" — more info: https://saltbearer.dreamwidth.org/2992.html + https://soingmachine.bandcamp.com/album/une-histoire-de-dms-avec-bleu
an album is supposed to end with a nice, gentle drone track…
bonus track from the album "Une Histoire de DMs avec Bleu" — more info: https://saltbearer.dreamwidth.org/2992.html + https://soingmachine.bandcamp.com/album/une-histoire-de-dms-avec-bleu
wah wah
wah wahwah wah wah wah
wah wah "wah wahwah…
recorded this recently ,hope you like it ........cheers tony cee
this song is about 8yrs old , i have done a video which is on youtube , just type in the title and tonycee , if you would like to , all brass / strings played on keyboard , vocals backing vocals , rythm / lead / bass guitar / played by myself…
music ,mixing and mastering , vocals /b,v/ guitar , lead gtr , bass , / keyboards used for brass and strings , played by myself , song written by myself ,...hope you like it thank you for your time .......cheers tony cee
Strung Drawn and Quartered live at the Grackle 1/4/25
John-12 string guitar(slide)
For Matt
"make your art right out loud
make some noise, make a fuss
because in the end we're all just
waiting for the bus…