7 tracks by lespaulgod

lespaulgod's avatar
This is another one of my home studio recordings of Moonluna. I am guessing 1992 on this one. We had just moved from upstate NY to PA. Things weren't going as easily as we had hoped and we were struggling a lot to make ends meet in this new apartment…
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lespaulgod's avatar
This song was one of our later recordings. It was probably recorded in 1992 or 1993 in Ambler, PA on the third floor of a converted haunted mansion. The lyrics stemmed from conversations we had been having concerning our future and our music…
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lespaulgod's avatar
This is the first in a series of recordings I worked on as songwriter as well being the engineer and producer. We were a duo that formed after meeting in a cover band called WildRoot. The original duo was called Moonluna. This was recorded in…
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lespaulgod's avatar
This is a painful story. My beautiful friend and once upon a time in the mid 90's to early 2000's music partner and songwriting partner, Ellie, passed away a few years ago. I only learned this yesterday. I had to dig out some of our originals…
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lespaulgod's avatar
This is from my CD, "Frank Porter - Who I Am." It is a Cuban Classical piece. Enjoy!
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lespaulgod's avatar
This is an idea not a song and it is in rough form. I needed to upload this to share it with a couple other songwriters that I know and so here it is. Hope you like it in it's raw form. Learn more about Frank Porter music by visiting www.reverbnation…
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lespaulgod's avatar
This is a piece of music I created and recorded in my home studio on 10/6/2012. It has no name yet. Part of the inspiration behind this piece is I have friends scattered across the continents and we want to write together online. This is the first…
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