lgh's listening history

shakuhachi's avatar
after the ocean of possibilities,there is a plateau covered in rain and storms,where curious angels sing,after which,there is a lake,surrounded by weeping willows and eucalyptus trees,across this lake,coracles pass,carrying the sacred flame to…
shakuhachi's avatar
mes noces chymiques de cristian rosenkreutz,minimal mix
shakuhachi's avatar
Wilt thou, by God's grace alone Obtain the Stone of the Philosophers? If so, seek it not in vegetables or animals, In sulphur, quicksilver, and minerals; Vitriol, alum, and salt are of no value; Lead, tin, iron and copper profit nothing; Silver…
shakuhachi's avatar
an experimental piece,exploring the musical landscape,which is a palindrome,given that the second track is the first,reversed
shakuhachi's avatar
a,in french and english,set to music by wordless poem...illuminated bt a psychedelic fractal animation created in mandelbulber...pure free experimental devotional underground elctronic fractal poetry...
shakuhachi's avatar
the soundtrack to one of my experimenal films http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoeU-cIciNc 1. The beginning of this Divine Science is the fear of the Lord and its end is charity and love toward our Neighbour; the all-satisfying Golden Crop is properly…
shakuhachi's avatar
Space, Place, Father & Son are inseparable fixed & immoveable. Motion ye Holy Ghost Is that which brings all things to the Blessed determination of the Dei, as in the Gloria Patri, Filii & Spiriti Sancti, etc. Space is the Circle…
shakuhachi's avatar
Space, Place, Father & Son are inseparable fixed & immoveable. Motion ye Holy Ghost Is that which brings all things to the Blessed determination of the Dei, as in the Gloria Patri, Filii & Spiriti Sancti, etc. Space is the Circle…
shakuhachi's avatar
a poem from illuminations by rimbaud,set to music by wordless poem..illuminate bya psychedelic fractal animation,created with mandelbulber...pure free experimental underground electronic fractal poetry...
shakuhachi's avatar
a poem from illuminations by rimbaud,set to music by wordless poem..illuminate bya psychedelic fractal animation,created with mandelbulber...pure free experimental underground electronic fractal poetry...