lgh's listening history

64Guitars's avatar
Cover of the Roy Orbison hit. Vocals by oldrottenhead. All instruments by 64Guitars. Recorded on Boss BR-864 Dec 20, 2008.
64Guitars's avatar
Cover of the Roy Orbison hit. Vocals by oldrottenhead. All instruments by 64Guitars. Recorded on Boss BR-864 Dec 20, 2008.
64Guitars's avatar
Cover of the theme from the popular BBC television series. Recorded on Boss BR-864 December 18, 2008. All instruments and drum programming by 64Guitars.
Mike Fife's avatar
A guy I know never shuts up long enough to listen to what I have to say. He is singing it, I'm playing it. Love you Jim.
Mike Fife's avatar
A guy I know never shuts up long enough to listen to what I have to say. He is singing it, I'm playing it. Love you Jim.
cuthbert's avatar
(Lennon/McCartney) - from the Beatles album 'Revolver'. This was my first Beatlesfest entry for Songcrafters.
cuthbert's avatar
(Lennon/McCartney) - from the Beatles album 'Revolver'. This was my first Beatlesfest entry for Songcrafters.
cuthbert's avatar
(Lennon/McCartney) - from the Beatles album 'Let It Be'. My third Beatlesfest entry at Songcrafters - this one is a duet with the great henwrench.
cuthbert's avatar
(Lennon/McCartney) - from the Beatles album 'Let It Be'. My third Beatlesfest entry at Songcrafters - this one is a duet with the great henwrench.
T.C. Elliott's avatar
The second song written for the 2010 self challenge "Song A Week." And one of my favorites from that challenge.