Mannequin Races's listening history

Sudara's avatar
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it. This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](
Lord Sluk's avatar
pagan rock
kirklynch's avatar
Similar in feel to the other Fragile Moment track. Mostly acoustic guitars recorded sitting in my shop on the H4N and then finished up in Cubase just this morning. September 9 09. Maybe a nice one for bedtime
kirklynch's avatar
Similar in feel to the other Fragile Moment track. Mostly acoustic guitars recorded sitting in my shop on the H4N and then finished up in Cubase just this morning. September 9 09. Maybe a nice one for bedtime
 ShamPain's avatar
A short piece to go at the start and end of a project that I am playing with. Sort of funky electro trancey chill !
glu's avatar
The psyche is a weird place, I'll just talk about it musically. The piece begins with the sounds of Sudara's autoharp, the weeping woodwind sounds of the clarinetist from Megafauna Lacrymosa , and a low kick-like percussive sound, which is…
Lord Sluk's avatar
Wounded Land ambient mix by Xenos
muteswaun's avatar
latest track, Im really getting into the dubstep groove.
Licoresse's avatar
I like the atmosphere, but the source is loong gone (ca 1998)
Licoresse's avatar
Please someone jam on top of it. 97 Bpm.