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Keep myself warm with music


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I tried to finish some tracks that were filling up my laptop. I managed to write lyrics and record vocals for 4 so I guess we’ll call it an EP.

Third track again with the fretless bass and with my trusty old Poly800. The instrumental came together quite fast. The lyric is inspired by our energy/gas situation (Apparently the USA and the EU dictators don’t like us having gas from Russia)

Keep myself warm with music

It’s cold and dark, this is not my home
and all I have, to keep me warm
is music, music
They took from me, my energy
I’m cold and sad, now all I have
is music, music

Waves of sound, hold me now!

I lost all hope, my future’s gone
now all I have, to keep me warm
is music, music
My family won’t speak to me
my friends all left, now all I have
is music, music

Chords and notes, hold me close!

I hum myself to sleep at night
cause all I have to hold me tight
is music, music
No warmth no love
alone and cold
and all that’s left, for me to hold
is music, music

Waves of sound, hold me now!

Guest said

Such a great song!

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