Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's listening history

ericbos's avatar
mmi's avatar
A big shout out to Sandbags making this track possible (with his fabulous creation [Elysium]( [Slightly more information]( on how I created…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is a very simple composition using two Elysium generators with an oscillator controlling the pulse count of the first and the offset of the second. Elysium is playing Kore 2's "Abendstern" instrument through a multi-compressor effect called…
mmi's avatar
A big shout out to Sandbags making this track possible (with his fabulous creation [Elysium]( [Slightly more information]( on how I created…
mmi's avatar
A big shout out to Sandbags making this track possible (with his fabulous creation [Elysium]( [Slightly more information]( on how I created…
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
One of MNCC's few songs with lyrics that can be recognized as english. Plus, it's a true story (even if it is about 2 different people) and it's got a Simpson's reference.
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
instrumental. samples courtesy of Major Dust. Another old song. Written in 1990, recorded 8 years later.
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
about a circus that self destructs and the damage left in it's wake. Yes, it's a weird and/or dark subject but as the lyrics are unintelligible it probably won't upset anybody.
mmi's avatar
Playing around with some new synth sounds, this happened.
mmi's avatar
My homage to Brian Eno.