natemonoxide's listening history

MikeyHogan's avatar
Today's song is simply about happiness. Try to be grateful for it while it's here. Still writing a #songaday about something I’m grateful for this month
MikeyHogan's avatar
I love stories! I learn more from fiction than from real life. I don't know why today's song is so weird, but I'm grateful for the works of Terry Pratchett in particular recently, who has provided me with so much inspiration and motivation for…
MikeyHogan's avatar
So grateful for the sun's rays toady, and all the life it gives us. Also I had a lot of fun with vocal harmony yesterday and thought I'd do it again today! Still writing a #songaday about something I’m grateful for this month
MikeyHogan's avatar
I wrote a song about lemons for my song a day project.
MikeyHogan's avatar
I got up to take a look at the eclipse but it was cloudy. Still, the birds were freaking out and insects were acting strange. And still, as the light returned I was in awe of the motions of the universe and thankful to be on this planet…
MikeyHogan's avatar
I'm grateful for the modern medicine that makes our lives so much more comfortable. Still writing a #songaday about #gratitude
MikeyHogan's avatar
This song started off about the natural beauty of the sky and turned in to the questions I ask when I gaze upon its awesomeness. Still writing a song a day about something I'm grateful for this October
MikeyHogan's avatar
I wrote and recorded this song for RPM 2022. It was the first song I wrote about Covid, inspired by my partner's office going down with the virus.