Nervous Neal Smith's listening history

Nervous Neal Smith's avatar
Using the waltz beat from the 1958 record album "Rhythm Accompaniment", with the composer on all other instruments. The spoken bits are of xenophobic Utah State Senator Chris Buttars. Written and recorded in February 2009 for the RPM Challenge.
beatnikturtle's avatar
This is from our album, "When I Was Your Age," recorded entirely in the month of February for our third year participating in the RPM Challenge. "When I Was Your Age" is a collection of 13 songs looking back at when we were kids.
beatnikturtle's avatar
Here's a song about that crush on the teacher many of us will remember - but maybe not totally admit... Many thanks to another cultural landslide ( ) for sending a neat MIDI riff for this song. We…
beatnikturtle's avatar
This is from our album, "When I Was Your Age," recorded entirely in the month of February for our third year participating in the RPM Challenge. "When I Was Your Age" is a collection of 13 songs looking back at when we were kids.
beatnikturtle's avatar
This is from our album, "When I Was Your Age," recorded entirely in the month of February for our third year participating in the RPM Challenge. "When I Was Your Age" is a collection of 13 songs looking back at when we were kids.
beatnikturtle's avatar
This is from our album, "When I Was Your Age," recorded entirely in the month of February for our third year participating in the RPM Challenge. "When I Was Your Age" is a collection of 13 songs looking back at when we were kids.
Nervous Neal Smith's avatar
Written and recorded in February 2009 for the RPM Challenge, with the composer on all instruments. Drums were looped in Acid Pro 7.
Nervous Neal Smith's avatar
Using cha cha and rhumba beats from the 1958 record album "Rhythm Accompaniment", with all other instruments played by the composer. Written and recorded in February 2009 for the RPM Challenge.
Tom Harter's avatar
2009 Record Production Month Challenge offering. Very pleased with the collective results. The title came from my friend Zane. His iced tea was in a damaged cup. Thus the title. There are various quotes in the song including some from Mishima…
Tom Harter's avatar
2009 Record Production Month Challenge offering. Very pleased with the collective results. Epic folk song. That's my thought anyway.