5153 tracks by Newbold

Newbold's avatar
ok this is the center portion of the the tape transfer and remix so if you like the intro and end so on this just gets more intense that it is centered and focused some. to create your own new work play the video and music together .. each time…
Newbold's avatar
the segment/movement for the end of this piece.. this will be reworked at a later date as well .. With parts of this tape-source that might be played during this video work too.
Newbold's avatar
This is the intro part to today's dub of the old 8-22-2004 tape.
Newbold's avatar
counterpoint to the meat of the composition.
Newbold's avatar
just some more ambiance if there is not enough right now.
Newbold's avatar
this is like the third track of a video I layered together to get this music, then for the youtube, I sped everything tentimes normal speed and put this track with the high speed work as well. but the video was shortened and the last 20 sec's…
Newbold's avatar
this is a rip from a video work I did back in 2004-5? the sound is kinda interesting and this might of been when I first upgraded the supernova's os to 2.o. the video is an R4 record probably version 20, the video like will be ready in like 1o…
Newbold's avatar
these are the dronishness effects going thru my mind at times.. I have the midi files saved if you would like them? although some of this is performance midi records If I can say that? ;)
Newbold's avatar
from a video work done probably in the 90's when I could only go out to video in the mono form. but the video is 6 hr's when I would max out the slow video recording with bliss paintings on the mac.. quadra 660av :) maybe posting the video soon..
Newbold's avatar
just something done in the background while I was divining a new video work.. some of this or most of it was done on crusher-x youtube things are soon to be posted..|..
Newbold's avatar
chopped into a ten minute special work for sites needing small sized pieces.. the video is in process :)
Newbold's avatar
something from this morning that I am working a video out of too. soon to have video.
Newbold's avatar
And with the miss-use of the feed back loops one can only cause the sounds you hear here.
Newbold's avatar
some feedings of the feed back..
Newbold's avatar
the trying the applications the real time experimental effects to .. yes the real time. making the actual experiment less obvious at times.
Newbold's avatar
ahhh the story lets go to a post in a different forum of music about suicide, and my .. take on the thing it is.. ------------------------ I have attempted a few times to no avail it is a very selfish thing to do; with no care for anyone else…
Newbold's avatar
As mistured and mixtury with tones of stuff here.
Newbold's avatar
mostly words and such with other blips goings ons :)
Newbold's avatar
just watching the tube as I have that again. and put the thing thru effects and non-senseless bindings
Newbold's avatar
just gradual increasing changes