5153 tracks by Newbold

Newbold's avatar
still can not get that audio record function in the acid 8 studio to work correct, well maybe it works correct and I don't but audacity is just more familiar and does not crash my MIDI synthetics too much. LOL this is the next or third part of…
Newbold's avatar
the second in the mountain series
Newbold's avatar
the mountain series continues in mount2 little larger 1
Newbold's avatar
I did this in order to stretch it out about 20 times as long as it is and did just that but or should I say because I used a very low sample size for the sound I would get something similar to echo stretches just like a 2k size of sample in paulstretch…
Newbold's avatar
worked effects here. and there. can do this stuff. what I have now is effects to listen to and do art to ..
Newbold's avatar
I am working with free midi creations i have done and the copy past function with pitch alterations in midi then mixed and edited for the morning of the hog. (no ground it is all ice)
Newbold's avatar
that this is a mix of the two is an understatement enjoy I am ... I do these works for myself and sometimes I will post them to the web.. :)
Newbold's avatar
part two developed mostly for the use in mixing with part one.. soon to get uploaded as well.. the mix was just rendered :)
Newbold's avatar
here this might need to be chopped up and layered then stretched somehow with Paul's stretch program. but this a section of the 32 min performance just rendered right from the record.
Newbold's avatar
this is the stuff that changes history, IMO -LOL- but what are opinions, sometimes? the fun finishes at minute 4 with the drone clean up crew. :)
Newbold's avatar
Was going to layer or track this into the jumping on 2 but could not do that legitimately anyhow by the end I start part of the jumping on 2 song, coming next. first here i set the levels then at about min 2 something I sync the beats between…
Newbold's avatar
yep this the third toad section of jumping frogettes not to be confused with the jumping forgets :P
Newbold's avatar
second remix of the jump frogettes series in the third toad set ,, and yes the noise foods was from the second toad set. outfoods out... :)
Newbold's avatar
part three of last nites workings
Newbold's avatar
More so mixed from that performance I did earlier ,
Newbold's avatar
this is directly recorded and then rendered and uploaded I have not worked with these sounds yet.. the beat is 131 - for what that means exactly?
Newbold's avatar
right now I am in the middle of recording this/these settings on the supernova and korg I have the 2 midi streams going to two different instruments from the same piece> I know everyone does that but now I am, learning how to too.
Newbold's avatar
had to equalize this thing to get it to keep from ripping holes into the sound equipment
Newbold's avatar
the long version , the one I like of the poly six one synthesizer remixed last year. this is an image from ebay of the thing.. oh the memories.. http://img.iwascoding.com/2/2011/01/15/41/760BDEA5E73141A4802D751633DA1945.jpg
Newbold's avatar
this is a minor excerpt from a tape I made I am guessing that I had not uploaded this here yet but I could of at the other eee account that is now outdated. the longer full and remixed version will be uploaded soon.