The Night Howls's listening history

The Night Howls's avatar
This song is about being a Mother Fucking Badass!
The Night Howls's avatar
Everybody knows a jerk, everybody is a jerk sometimes!
The Night Howls's avatar
A song about an evil vending machine that used to reside at my work. It has since moved on to spread it's malevolent ways elsewhere!
The Night Howls's avatar
Everybody needs a little time away from themselves once in a while or maybe that's just low self esteem talking. Anyway, tis what tis.
The Night Howls's avatar
This is from the 1st show we ever played 2-2-13 at Linneman's.
The Night Howls's avatar
Everybody needs a little time away from themselves once in a while or maybe that's just low self esteem talking. Anyway, tis what tis.
The Night Howls's avatar
A song about an evil vending machine that used to reside at my work. It has since moved on to spread it's malevolent ways elsewhere!
The Night Howls's avatar
This is from the 1st show we ever played 2-2-13 at Linneman's.
The Night Howls's avatar
This is a song about Tinnitus. I had it pretty bad a couple years ago and wondered if I needed to give up loud Rock n Roll.
The Night Howls's avatar
Springtime is upon us. This song is about the wonders of Spring. Wake up and smell the flowers!