Nils Loewen's listening history

justmerritt's avatar
wont you stop?! just stop and wait.
justmerritt's avatar
once upon a time there was a beautiful princess, her name was christine. then this other random dude, i think he was a street sweeper wrote her a song and sang it to her on late october eavning. he then asked her to commit to love and they have…
brando's avatar
My only regret is that I couldn't get more power into this song, but no amount is enough. Desoto on bass again.
brando's avatar
My only regret is that I couldn't get more power into this song, but no amount is enough. Desoto on bass again.
brando's avatar
The longing is authentic. What more can I say.
brando's avatar
More Montgomeru on trumpet. The lyrics for this song were written by myself and Mike Connor back when we were Sloth House.
brando's avatar
After I finished collecting and mixing all the trumpet tracks from Montgomeru, I was no longer sure which one of us actually wrote this song.
brando's avatar
Another thanks to Desoto for giving this song some necessary atmosphere.
brando's avatar
A very old song that I should have heeded long ago.
brando's avatar
My goal is to embed this song in your brains.