136 tracks by now
grand science fiction stuff from the middle of a two hour tape.. side one so far.
ahhhh a two hour tape from 1993 love this stuff. it is so corny sounding like some kind of B scifi movie :)
two tape works stretched together to make something new from songs I did in 2002.. about.
fourth performance on supernova 11 enjoy one more mix after this.
tape four side one.
set 3 tape 4 from 8-31-2002
working title contextion two.
part of a four set series of ten tapes in each set from the year 2002...
tape three side 2... part one yep about the same length as side 2 part one because just because..
more of the third tape... :) enjoy it cause i have listened to this back then when I did it over and over a few times.
side one cut at the end... of Tape four of set four from 2002 November 24 -- I had completed four sets of ten tapes back in the year 2002 that is from the tape deck records.. of the supernova os 1.4 ===enjoy it is like ambient with the melody…
just some of another tape I am digitizing right now.-- tape four of set four from 2002 November 24 -- I had completed four sets of ten tapes back in the year 2002 that is from the tape deck records.. of the supernova os 1.4 ===enjoy it is…
this is the first part of side one of the 2009 tape I made back then.. mostly noisy stuff.
this is from 2009 a tape mix,... in two parts cause the whole thing is long when I finish this next tape from 2002 I am going to put them all in a playlist.. enjoy still noisy like the first side.
and this is the second half of the first side of the tape titled still slower. yep
this is the first part of the tape ambient tape first half of the first side... part one... ;)
from 8-23-02 enjoy again