Paul Lisney's listening history

Alex Pascal's avatar
I song I wrote recently. It's kind of an indie/pop punk ballad influenced by Mat Kerekes of Citizen.
Alex Pascal's avatar
A more upbeat pop song I wrote in my dorm at Maine College of Art. This is a more recent recording of it.
Andrew Russe's avatar
This is an oldie. Recorded in 2005. It was the first recording I finished on a DAW, but I'd played it a lot in the last band I was in (around the turn of the century). I think it was written in the mid 90s. It's about one of the casualties of…
Andrew Russe's avatar
One of my two contributions to a "Beatlesfest" we had over on a few months back. I still can't believe I covered this... having done it though, it feels like nothing is sacred. And, more worryingly, I feel I might possibly…
Andrew Russe's avatar
This is one of the things I was fiddling with when I sang Me and Bobby McGee as a distraction last week. I'm working on finding out how to get acoustic stuff down consistently and effectively within the confines of what I've got here - I wasn…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Next in the little pile of songs from the shoe-box. This one has the date 27th January 1994 written on it, but it's describing an episode from many years earlier when I was, I'm guessing, something like 12 or 13 years old. I had to go to a…
Andrew Russe's avatar
I wrote this little ditty back in May, did an acoustic demo and then played it to one or two people. I always meant to do something a bit more, er, "expansive" with the thing... So I stuck it in the corner for a bit and forgot about it. Been…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Well, I'm almost on a roll now - this little love song was written, arranged, and recorded in just a week. I've been meaning to attempt something like this for years, just never got round to it. I'd actually settled down to finally record a…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Next in the little pile of songs from the shoe-box. This one has the date 27th January 1994 written on it, but it's describing an episode from many years earlier when I was, I'm guessing, something like 12 or 13 years old. I had to go to a…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Next in the little pile of songs from the shoe-box. This one has the date 27th January 1994 written on it, but it's describing an episode from many years earlier when I was, I'm guessing, something like 12 or 13 years old. I had to go to a…