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Lord Of All

Paul Lisney

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This melody was from a dream. I got up when it was dark in the early hours of the morning and hummed the first few lines of the melody so I wouldn’t forget it. The initial words that came were “And all I am, My Lord, I bring to You
I give it all, I give it all to You” which eventually be me the beginning of the last verse.

               Lord Of All

The sky, the sea, the land belong to You
The sun, the moon, the stars all bow to you
And you created all from love
And saw that it was good
And filled the world with living things
——————-A——— D ———E
You created all
You created all

You formed me, you knit me in the womb
For every life given, this is true
And each, so wonderfully made
With dignity and grace
A unique reflection of your love
Father of all
Fatherof all

You held me, you named me, it is true
For who I am, I must look to you
No, it isn’t ours to say
The part we get to play
In the greatest story ever told
You are Lord of al
You are Lord of all

And all I am, My Lord, I bring to You
I give it all, I give it all to You
The fear, the worry and the shame
Of sins confessed, reclaimed
And all that cowers in the dark
I surrender all
I surrender all

10/22/22 melody came in a dream - 10/27/22
(C) 2022 Paul Lisney
