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The Holy Name Of Jesus

Paul Lisney

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I wrote this in honor of the Holy Name of Jesus.

The Holy Name Of Jesus
Name above all names
The Holy Name Of Jesus
By whom we are saved
He who died upon the cross
gladly took the place
of each man woman and child
to redeem the human race

At the Holy Name Of Jesus
Every knee should bend
From the highest heaven and on earth
To the depths of hell, all bow to Him
Every tongue declare Him Lord,
Jesus Christ is King
For He left His throne to fly to earth
To save us from our sin

The Holy Name of Jesus
In Truth a mine of riches
Say His Name devoutly and with love,
The fount of highest holiness
Whisper His Holy Name,
console your saddened heart
Sing the Holy Name of Jesus
Giving glory to God the Father above

(C)2018 Paul Lisney
7/17/18 to 7/19/18

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