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Three Days Of Darkness

Paul Lisney

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This is my latest recording. It took awhile to get it mixed to my liking, though it’s not very complicated. The guitar is my Breedlove 12 string. The drums and piano sound is from myRoland keyboard. In considering prophecy one needs a good deal of caution as no one really knows how to interpret certain revelations. Holy scripture is public revelation, and to be a true Christian we are bound to believe all public revelation, but private revelation is another story, we can choose ot believe or not. For me in the end it comes down to the fact that at the end of each person’s lifetime, however long or short, we will face our creator and account for our lives.


Three days of darkness are on their way
On their knees the faithful pray
Lock the windows, bar the doors
For the dark will be dark like never before

Three days of darkness we’ve been warned
The sun darkened the stars will fall
Hell will be loosed upon the earth
As the fire rains down all over the world

Stay in your homes don’t stray outside
A blessed candle your only light.
Stay in prayer don’t look outside
Until the sun comes

The Time of Mercy will have passed
And justice will be here at last
Lightening and thunder, the earth will shake
But the sun will rise after the third day

Prophets and mystics speak these words
But their true meaning must be discerned
In time the truth shall be revealed
Let the Church and scripture be our shield

Stay in prayer, look to the Son
No one can know what is to come
Live as though your day has come
And Have no fear

All prophecy is incomplete
So stay in prayer, don’t be deceived
Many see that change must come
That as it is, the world can’t go on

We turn our backs, hide in the cave
It’s cold and dark when you turn away
God’s love is like the blazing sun
But in the cave, the warmth is gone
The sun still shines outside the cave
God’s love for us will never change

Pay heed to all the warnings given
Through public and private revelation
What to believe is the question
One is choice, the other obligation
Not all will see the end times come
But all will stand before the Son
Now or later; it makes no difference
We all account for what we’ve been given

November 2016
February 25 2017
March 9 2017

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