preset1's listening history

preset1's avatar
This one didn't really get the arrangement or mix is deserved. One more week to go. Once in a while, I just like to waste my time I won’t spend every day towing someone’s line So if you see me and you want to stop and chat Don’t be discouraged…
preset1's avatar
Week 52 This is my last song of the week from 2022! I arranged this one for my brother. He wrote the lyrics and basic melody. It's straight-up rockabilly.
preset1's avatar
This one didn't really get the arrangement or mix is deserved. One more week to go. Once in a while, I just like to waste my time I won’t spend every day towing someone’s line So if you see me and you want to stop and chat Don’t be discouraged…
preset1's avatar
Week 52 This is my last song of the week from 2022! I arranged this one for my brother. He wrote the lyrics and basic melody. It's straight-up rockabilly.
preset1's avatar
Lyrics were generated by an AI chatbot this week. They are not great. Verse 1: I used to think that Sirius XM was cool But now I see that it's just a fool They play the same songs over and over And the commercials, oh man, they never end…
preset1's avatar
This one didn't really get the arrangement or mix is deserved. One more week to go. Once in a while, I just like to waste my time I won’t spend every day towing someone’s line So if you see me and you want to stop and chat Don’t be discouraged…
preset1's avatar
Week 52 This is my last song of the week from 2022! I arranged this one for my brother. He wrote the lyrics and basic melody. It's straight-up rockabilly.
preset1's avatar
Week 52 This is my last song of the week from 2022! I arranged this one for my brother. He wrote the lyrics and basic melody. It's straight-up rockabilly.
preset1's avatar
This one didn't really get the arrangement or mix is deserved. One more week to go. Once in a while, I just like to waste my time I won’t spend every day towing someone’s line So if you see me and you want to stop and chat Don’t be discouraged…
preset1's avatar
Lyrics were generated by an AI chatbot this week. They are not great. Verse 1: I used to think that Sirius XM was cool But now I see that it's just a fool They play the same songs over and over And the commercials, oh man, they never end…