Psychic Sperm's Playlists
Kissy Face (2025)
Suddenly Pants (2024)
Clandestine Tetons (2023)
Sol Food (2022)
Rock and Roll: Both Kinds of Music (2021)
Master of Lightning: Ride the Puppets (2021)
Technical Difficulties (2020)
Dust Off (2020)
Shadow Mullet (2019)
POWER UP (2018)
Keyboard Player / My Slow Death (2017)
Everything Heavy (2016)
The Horror (2015)
Meet the Oocytes (2014)
The Error Implicit (2013)
The Essence of Humanity (2012)
Edible Regrettables (2011)
The Sliders Cometh (2010)
The Challenger (2009)
Dragons, Demons, Death, Destruction, Demolition Derby (2008)
Psychic Sperm vs. The Profits (2006)
political trump/ukraine
setlist (2023)