alonetone radio: Latest
flotsam and jetsam
tossed ephemera
unanswerable question
entropic enigma
She Crept Through The Lost And Found
Seeking Pieces Of Her Thoughts And Dreams
Unaware That The World Around
Still Flowed Past As A Slow-Moving Stream
time is…
The sound of the glass stopper for a bottle of gin, struck and rubbed against the neck of the bottle. Submitted to Sound-In "What Does Happiness Sound Like?" for 22-29-09-2022.
Words and music by Chris Smith
Arrangement and production by Rich Blenkinsopp
Vocals by 9z/Kevin and Solaria
[Updated: 07/09/23]
Same sound source as En Gin E, but different recording. "Speed" changed in Audacity, resulting in slowed rhythm and dropped pitch; reverb is natural, from the original recording. Submitted to Sound-In "What Does Happiness Sound Like?" 22-29/9/2022.
Lyrics by John Schofield, music and performance by Paul Henry
The Things You Didn’t Do
2021©John Schofield
On a restroom wall in Baltimore
Above a broken sink
Someone scratched this message
It’s later than you think
I took this simple…
Coming down from a bout of writer's block, I took an entirely different approach this week. Turned out weird.
A farewell to summer and those long summer evenings. Chords available at
Long Summer Evening
Long summer evening
Work done for the day-ay
This is the Our Father in Latin with accompaniment - guitar bass and keyboard strings. I wrote it first without chords. It was just a melody so there were a lot of different choices to make with the chords, but this is what sounded right to me…