Reefwalker's listening history

dougsparling's avatar
Written and Recorded April 18, 2010 Some people accidentally delete tracks...I accidentally kept this one :) Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADGAD, Capo III), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, Audacity.
dougsparling's avatar
Written and Recorded April 18, 2010 Some people accidentally delete tracks...I accidentally kept this one :) Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADGAD, Capo III), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, Audacity.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a first run at MIDI drumming. I have my kit setup to a new Alesis Trigger I/O box. It turns my drum kit in to a USB MIDI drum kit. Pretty cool toy. Most of the kits I have in the software are dry to record. Obviously, the sound will…
launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
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