Rhonie's listening history

kavin.'s avatar
For the RPMC 2009 album "Sabbatical" From a news story last year about UFOs over Phoenix. They turned out to be some lighted balloons some guy had set aloft. So this tune about UFO paranoia.
kavin.'s avatar
for the 2009 RPM Challenge album "Sabbatical"
kavin.'s avatar
for the 2009 RPM Challenge album "Sabbatical" Standing at the edge of Canyon de Chelly in Arizona at sunrise last summer I had an out of body experience.
kavin.'s avatar
reloaded this in 44.1 a pedal steel gtr improv
kavin.'s avatar
From 1997. A space rock jam with Phil and Billy. I added some synth later.
kavin.'s avatar
An improv with Phil on drums. Added synth later.
kavin.'s avatar
An improv with Phil (drums). Added synth later. At the end you hear the giddy laughter of two musicians who just had a real good time!
kavin.'s avatar
A song written by my good friend Dennis Coble. Glenn Milam on some scorching lead guitar.
kavin.'s avatar
Another one written by Dennis Coble. He plays my 12 string, I'm doing the lead bits.
kavin.'s avatar
Added a guitar track to my buddy Nitro's blues dance album which will be titled "Wanna Dance?" You can look him up on reverbnation. Nitro - Drums, writing Ruthie - Vocal Kavin - guitar Rick - bass- Bull - piano