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Call On The Lord

Richard Shekari

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Call On The Lord

Verse 1
Open our eyes Lord that we may see Your glory
Open our ears that we may hear Your voice

Verse 2
Deliver us O God we call on You today
Show us the way that we may follow You

Glory to the Lord, who lives on high.
Magnify His name, He rules from on high.

Verse 3
The earth gives Him glory, for He is King.
His name is pure and holy, for He is peace.

Verse 4
Come let us worship Him for He is the way
Call on the Lord and you shall be saved

Verse 5
I’ve searched through the valleys; there’s none like You, Lord.
There’s fire upon the mountaintop, is that You, Lord?

Oh Lord, You answer by fire, and Your words burn with desire.
Before this body retires, set my passion, Lord, on fire.

Verse 6
I wanna sing Your praise forever,
I wanna dance for You forever.
I wanna sing to Your glory forever,
I wanna live for You forever.

Verse 7
Come let us worship Him for He is the way
Call on the Lord and you shall be saved

Hallelujah to You, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Your dwelling place, Lord, is what I call home.

Glory to the Lord, who lives on high.
Magnify His name, He rules from on high.

Call on the Lord
Call on the Lord

Copyright 2024 Richard Shekari and John Matteson
Guitar: John Matteson
Produced by Richard Shekari

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