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Barking At Dogs


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TL;DR: it’s got percussion in it.

I had an idea for percussion-heavy song: that I found tough to articulate because it’s not a usual thing for me. More practice required.
I dialled back the bpm as the percussion became (even more) a wall of sound at, um, twice the speed.

Anyway, there’s a woodblock, cowbell, guiro, cuicas, tambourine, maracas, bongos, bright copper kettles, schnitzel with noodles. [All Backbone VST iirc except the kettles & noodles]. Smattering of synths and vocal synths (Vocaloid).

The old man character has appeared in a few recent lyrics … though this is the first that’s been set to music and escaped into the wild. Any similarity to any person, living or dead, is extremely unlikely.


Old man claps his hearty hands
He barks at dogs
Slams doors
Cooks in pans

Old man claps his great big hands
He barks at dogs
Slams doors
Cooks in pans

Shaky, shaky old man
Trucker’s cap
With a hit of hard bourbon
Slapping down the young man
I can see you with a government pardon

Shaky, shaky old man
Let me see you with a glass of Martini
Railing at the young man
I can see you with a hood of fine cotton

Shaky, shaky old man
Let me see you with a sticker on a bumper
Railing at the young man
I can see you with a cup of Martini

Shaky, shaky old man
Walking round with a da-da on a very long leash
Howling at the young man
I can see you with a mug of Darjeeling

Shaky, shaky old man
Walking round with a dirty Martini
Snarling at the young man
I can see you with a tee-shirt slogan

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