See You Some
This started out from some sound design doodlery. A couple of the synths I’ve been using have some non-standard routing options, so I’ve been getting better acquainted. They’re not modular, though the Reason hosted stuff does have visible, virtual cabling that looks just as messy. Not unusually, the sounds that initiated the song didn’t make the final cut: they were fine in isolation but didn’t play nicely when combined with other sounds (probably too rich across the frequency spectrum 🤔). Vocals voiced by vocal synth: step forward Brian.
The intent of the song was vaguely cryptic and the lyrics went the same way; I have been practicing writing more meaningful, sensory lyrics but, generally, such fumbling is even worse than what you have before you. Something to foist upon the unsuspecting listener in the future. 🙂
I’ll get to see you someday
I’ll get to see you someday
’til then we dance
To a different tune
Spin me around please
Then we meet
And while you read books with proverbs
I’ll work out the getaway plans
While you’re tending past friends’ flowers
I see them spinning where they lay
I’ll get to see you someday
Through Perspex, deep, I’m afraid
‘til then dance
It’s a different time now