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Girl (Woman (Lady))

Robin Brunelle

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Mondo Boss’s latest track teaches any young man all he needs to know about love, life, and ladies.


Love is patient, love is kind
And all that other shit
Well, listen to some words
From the master of it

I know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout
So listen real close
And get a lesson from the man
Who’s been with the most

Don’t miss this chance
Cuz I’ll only tell you once
My advice is sacred
Yo, I’m booked up for months

The secret to love
Is around every day
All the time and every night
So listen when I say

Love is a woman
Love is a girl
Love is every single lady ’cross the world

I know love
So I know you, girl
Now let me take you home
And rock your world

Well I speak from experience
Don’t forget your appear-ience
Yo, that’s the key
To avoid the disappear-ience

Of your love
After just one night
Why should it be so difficult
To keep things right?

So many times
Women come to me and say
Teach this guy so that
He can know your way

It ain’t hard, until it is
When you feel the love
But by then you will know
That when push comes to shove,

Love is a woman
Love is a girl
Love is every single lady ’cross the world

I know love
So I know you, girl
Now let me take you home
And rock your world

It does not envy, does not boast
So let me know propose a toast
To all the love throughout this room
Caught in delight this afternoon

It seems like
Such a simple thing
But noone seems to get it
So I guess I have to sing

I don’t do it for myself
Yo, I do it for mankind
So that all’a them who do not know
Are not left behind

So from now on, when you get asked
“Yo, what’s the rule for getting ass?”
You sit them down and let it flow
Just say, “You have to know that…”

Love is a woman
Love is a girl
Love is every single lady ’cross the world

I know love
So I know you, girl
Now let me take you home
And rock your world

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