11 tracks by robohasse

robohasse's avatar
After much fun getting creative with following(or not) schematics, cutting wires and melting metal/.... a werkstattWaldorf salad comin your way. whether you ordered it or not. This is a modded Waldorf Rocket (what some might refer to as…
robohasse's avatar
After modding my werkstatt's with proper Gate and VCF in 1/8" jacks (along with a fine tune potentiometer) I cracked open my waldorf rocket and figured out a pretty easy way to send a 5V gate in to trigger the "launch" button on the rocket…
robohasse's avatar
after adding a few modifications to the werkstatts to allow me to do some of the sorts of things i set out to do I hit record and this came out. More exploration with building and playing sequences live using the Korg SQ64 sending CV gate…
robohasse's avatar
minimal, many mistakes, ridiculous percussive elements but that wasn't the point here. Actually i guess in fact it is the point. to live in the present, stop trying to repair the past and see what comes of it. I had left my music rig on all…
robohasse's avatar
the journey continues. hit the red button and don't look back. mistakes are acceptable.
robohasse's avatar
a bit more exploration using a korg SQ64 to sequence CV and MIDI messages sent to a variety of synths: (customized) Moog Werkstatt, (customized) Waldorf Rocket, Blofeld, MicrowaveXT
robohasse's avatar
up to this particular writing challenge, while writing and composing *any* of my previous songs - percussion sounds have been triggered samples, either a tracker (fasttracker, renoise) or sampler (akai z8 hardware, kontakt for samples). going…
robohasse's avatar
dualing moog werkstatts driven by a silly simple sequence on the korg SQ64 i chose to use as the main engine behind this collection of music. I thought this one set the stage nicely so i selected it as the opener.
robohasse's avatar
was this all a mistake? perhaps. but i'm not stopping. this was the result of a shut-in evening alone with nobody but myself and some electronics i decided here i'd start tinkering a bit more with.
robohasse's avatar
January 2021 I lost my then 56 year old brother, (only a few years after loosing dad, mom and several far too young cousins) i haven't written much music but took this year's RPM challenge as a nudge to get back into writing and exploring music…
robohasse's avatar
A David Bowie cover, I offered to a friend of mine a choice of a cover song as one of my first digs into this Korg SQ 64 sequencer, he picked bowie. I chose this one, really wanted to do something off hunky dory but this one just happened first.