Scott McCarley's listening history

lgh's avatar
Full lineup in LSP. Holdempok - Lead Vox & lead guitar LG - Backing Vox & Rhythm guitar cousin Andy - Bass Chad 'The Rock' - drums LG
lgh's avatar
Holdempok wrote this. We actually recorded this take here at work, in the lunch-room after hours... Holdempok - Vox & acoustic guitar LG - lead guitar Chad - drums LG
lgh's avatar
LSP drunk and jamming....LOL Holdempok - lead guitar Chad 'The Rock' - Vox & bass LG - drums LG
Scott McCarley's avatar
A mostly true story about a kid I knew growing up. It didn't end so good. That story is finished in Teenage Hurricane.
Scott McCarley's avatar
A mostly true story about a kid I knew growing up. It didn't end so good. That story is finished in Teenage Hurricane.
Scott McCarley's avatar
A mostly true story about a kid I knew growing up. It didn't end so good. That story is finished in Teenage Hurricane.