The Jet-Black Project's listening history
this one has a guitar track. It gets lost in the mix in places (intentionally) but it's there. And a sample from butthole surfers "waiting for jimmy to kick". The clean bass track is too low but the master tape is currently missing. Oh well...
the most awesome thing ever recorded by anyone, anywhere, at anytime in the entire history of recorded things. It's true.
I thought the hand claps were a bit weird but I wasn't running this dog and pony show. See more notes under "red cowboy" and "I left my toothbrush in St. Louis".
Here is the "more complete" track I promised with backing vocals.
A song about loving the real me...who do i see when i look in the mirror? Do I love what I see?....i really want to.
your wooden fingers have felt before
and now they…
The chorus is adapted from "O Death Rock Me Asleep", by Anne Boleyn, while imprisoned in the Tower of London, waiting for her execution.
(Tolar & Savigear 2010)