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Sail To Galapagos

somno project

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Ok i’m back after a few months off in patagonia, and back to the studio.

This song is the history about a dutchman i meet in amazonas, he was near 2 months on a journey by sea to Galapagos, this is just part of the extended conversation we had, wich inspired me to write this tune. - hope you like it! -

Music and Lyrics: Diego Cárdenas, somno project

Pedro Guzmán: Percussion and wind instruments
Cristian Peña: Bajo
Lara: Backing vocals
Diego Cardenas: Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards

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somno project said

thank you guys for your comments :) @Norm , i hope next week El vuelo del condor is ready!!!

Guest said

Caught that sailing to the islands feel very well.

Norm's avatar
Norm said


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