Spazsquatch's listening history

Trey Topper's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
I revisit Gregor Samsa with the aid of EOB strat and various effects and manipulations. Voice by Librivox
montgomeru's avatar
richiebee's avatar
The start of a song about my first dog, Jack, who was a rescue. When he came to us he'd had many owners, some likely good, some most definitely very bad. He'd been at death's door as a starving dog, almost freezing to death in a harsh winter…
Spazsquatch's avatar
Demo #18 for the 50/90 Song Writing Challenge.
Spazsquatch's avatar
Demo #8 for the 50/90 Song Writing Challenge. This was a bit of an arrangement exercise based off lyrics 50/90 user @jorh to see if I could write something that sounded like modern pop. I ended up with something I was happy with, and then 50…
Spazsquatch's avatar
Demo #7 for the 50/90 Song Writing Challenge.
Spazsquatch's avatar
Demo #4 for the 50/90 Song Writing Challenge. I'm not sure if this is trash. One listen I think there is something there, and then another listen I can't believe I took the idea this far. I like most of the parts, but I'm not sure they should…
Spazsquatch's avatar
Demo #3 for the 50/90 Song Writing Challenge. This was the first 50/90 track I started writing and it got off to a good start, but the lyrics were a bit of a tightrope. I wanted the chorus to be a play as a power anthem and make it clear in…
Spazsquatch's avatar
Demo #1 for the 50/90 Song Writing Challenge. A little late out of the gate, an early summer vacation was sidetracked with a bout of COVID, which kept me from a much desired trip to see some friends and writing... or at least singing. I don…