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The Worst

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There can only be one, but some people really try.

You’re just so fucking awful.
So hard to be around.
I can’t imagine what goes through head
With what comes out your mouth

Sharing your opinions
About things that no one asked
All those stupid hot takes
Don’t make you look smart, you just look like an ass

Oh, oh ohhh oh ohh

Well you may not be the worst
But you’re the worst I’ve ever met
And what makes it even worse
You seem to be so proud of it
If you did some self reflection
You would have to admit
That while you may not be the worse
you’re still a piece of shit

A piece of shit

You’re such a fucking loser
Mocking people for your kicks
And when no one wants to hang
It’s you that’s disrespected

Patronizing advice
To those, you know, would know it better
And when you get called out
Your push to prove your right, somehow just gets greater

Oh, oh ohhh oh ohh

Well you may not be the worst
But you’re the worst I’ve ever met
And what makes it even worse
You seem to be so proud of it
If I ranked histories awful people
You would barely make the list
Congrats you may not be the worse
But you’re still a piece of shit

A piece of shit

You’re a fucking piece of shit
