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Friday the 13th


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Another for the Neon Brainiacs Podcast Unofficial OST, which is an attempt to write a song inspired (no matter how loosely) by the film covered on each episode. This week was Friday the 13th from 1980 and this interpretation pulls some of the visual elements of the film as a metaphor for paranoia.

There’s a black cat, laying by the sidewalk,
waiting to cross, when I walk by
Old wives tales spinning through my head
A hodge-podge of truth and lie
Darkness piercing in my eyeballs
From a shattered looking glass
Secrets whispered from the blackness
Feeding fear a cacophony of facts

Is it all just in my head, does someone dictate what I see
I’ve got the puzzles border, but some pieces don’t fit easily

Hidden behind masks we’ve donned,
and truths that we have redefined,
Paranoia’s narrative, is woven tight and intertwined.
Fear is hacking at my brain,
superstition’s on my trail,
It feels like Friday the 13th, will I make the final reel?

In every shadow I can feel a figure,
Lurking just outside of the light,
Eyes fixed on every move I make,
Waiting for the perfect time to strike.
Each creak sounds like a footstep,
Each knock, a heartbeat missed,
It’s like I’m living in a horror show,
and trying to reach the end

Is this my own creation, do I puppet my own binds
This world feels like a puzzle where the pieces don’ t align

Hidden behind masks we’ve donned,
and truths that we have redefined,
Paranoia’s narrative, is woven tight and intertwined.
Fear is hacking at my brain,
superstition’s on my trail,
It feels like Friday the 13th, will I make the final reel.

Plot holes in my story chip the mask away,
Glimpse a world that challenges the role I play
Survival instinct triggered by my discontent
Escape into the place where I can force it to sense.

Behind the mask the truth can be concealed
In murky depths, I’m calm yet frail.
A brief respite amidst the storm,
But ripples soon begin to form.
Paranoia pulls me down,
Into the pool that I know l will drown
In the flicker of the last thing real
Not sure I’ll return for the sequel

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