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Ah, a true group effort!

John J. had the idea to record a song on drums, then hand it off to the rest of the group to build off of. I took him up on the challenge, adding rhythm guitar and bass tracks one night at the studio. Kenny had some ideas for a chorus, but was drawing a blank on verse lyrics.

Flash forward a couple of weeks, and Them Nolin Boys (tm) came over to record some guitar stuff at my home studio. Part of what they laid down were the two halves of this guitar solo.

Flash forward another couple of days, and Kenny showed me some lyrics that his wife Rebecca had written, based on Bill J.’s offhand comment on the song: (‘Sing along with me, “Betty’s not a vitamin… Betty’s not a vitamin…”’)

Kenny was having a bit of trouble parsing out the song structure, so I followed along on the headphones and cued him via hand signals when parts were coming up. Great fun! :)

John J. - drums, song structure
Kenny T. - vocals, lyrics
Rebecca T. - lyrics
Bill J. - lyrics
Matthew N. - guitar solo (first half)
Michael N. - guitar solo (second half)
Kevin C. - rhythm guitar, bass, lyrics, recording, mixing

Guest said

I can't wait to let Rebecca hear this one when she gets home today. Again...Magnificent work Kevin.
