Sudara's listening history
This is from years ago, living in santa fe.
I loved driving around in my little 1980s toyota corolla and listening to cassettes. I loved the way they sounded.
So I took a piano song I was working on, recorded it to cassette, dragged mic…
This is my first run through the 7th Goldberg variation. It's been about a month since I started practicing it. This is the first time I "made it"—meaning, it's a bit fumbling and pushes and pulls, but hey, I hit all the notes!
I've played…
This is my first run through the 7th Goldberg variation. It's been about a month since I started practicing it. This is the first time I "made it"—meaning, it's a bit fumbling and pushes and pulls, but hey, I hit all the notes!
I've played…
With my deepest apologies to Chopin...
This is a very simple experiment in re-synthesis using the MetaSynth 5.3 ImageSynth.
I took Chopin's Nocturn No. 1 in B-Flat Minor and converted it into a spectrogram which was then used to re-synthesize…
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee.
Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
i do. this song features an imbalanced waveform with spectacular collisions of inaudible noise. it kind of a majestic sounding piece.
A quick evenings experiment using granular re-synthesis of two samples some delay and reverb.
I'm trying to experiment with intentionally combining two different sounds. Since I seem to find this difficult I am starting with using a drone as one of the sounds taking my inspiration from the opening tracks of the Brian Eno & Jah Wobble…
This was inspired by some recordings of people's dreams on the Olympia Dream Phone site (