Sudara's listening history

Sudara's avatar
Keep me close and afraid Keep me wandering for days Keep me exactly the same Keep me docile and tired Keep me angsty and wired Keep me faking the pain Keep me loose and contained Keep me close and afraid Keep me wandering for days…
montgomeru's avatar
Sudara's avatar
Keep me close and afraid Keep me wandering for days Keep me exactly the same Keep me docile and tired Keep me angsty and wired Keep me faking the pain Keep me loose and contained Keep me close and afraid Keep me wandering for days…
Sudara's avatar
Trying out a new strat: not letting myself work on details on the computer until the skeleton of the song is complete. Result is a lot of variety in songwriting, but a bit rougher arrangement/mix. — Yesterday I made a friend. Someone I…
montgomeru's avatar
montgomeru's avatar
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Sudara's avatar
My wife said this sounded like a level of a video game where you are racing down endless pews of a church. You know, a pew level. Another in the slow motion bach series, this time paired with the tart frenetic flavor of 90s breaks…
Sudara's avatar
Fun/Silly song. My first recording with [the Hang](\)).
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