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Cloudy Day (with Guest Vocalist)

Farfetched Tangmo Band

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For placement in an amateur theatrical production of an original romantic comedy. Guest vocalist from

Cloudy day…Relax, the wind will blow the dust away
The wet will come , won’t let the tourists play
Cloudy day, cloudy day.

Cloudy day…A steady splash makes such a fine display
A farmer needs it, did some good to pray
Cloudy day, cloudy day

Soon the sky will rumble
And the rain will come
Then the dry will tumble
It’s time that we got some.

Cloudy day…Pappaya tree will surely bend and sway
Come sit beside me and we’ll be okay
Cloudy day, cloudy day.

Cloudy day…It’s good the clouds will keep the heat at bay
but things will wam up when you look my way
Cloudy day, cloudy day

Soon the sky will rumble
And the rain will come
Then the dry will tumble
It’s time that we got some.

If there’s a big clap of thunder, under the sheets we’ll hide
moving…so if the kid comes in scared she won’t think we have died

Instrumental verses and chorus

Soon the sky will rumble
And the rain will come
Then the dry will tumble
It’s time we were gettin’ some.

Cloudy day…It holds the prospect we’ll be washed away
but brings the promise of a greener May
Cloudy day, cloudy day.

Tangmo 2019

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