terrysongs's listening history

terrysongs's avatar
This a primer melody for this lyric, so feel free to tweak it ( for the collaboration four)<>>.The transmission started slipping on the way home from work today...Man I sure could stand a little raise in pay. no talking about saving for…
terrysongs's avatar
This a primer melody for this lyric, so feel free to tweak it ( for the collaboration four)<>>.The transmission started slipping on the way home from work today...Man I sure could stand a little raise in pay. no talking about saving for…
Merry Bear's avatar
Vocals by Greg Connor, lyrics by Connor and Merry Bear, music by Bear. And y'all thought the Hokey Pokey was what it was all about! This song is 4 dimensional – up/down, left/right, in/out, now/then. BIG THANKS to Greg Connor for fabulous vocals…
terrysongs's avatar
This a primer melody for this lyric, so feel free to tweak it ( for the collaboration four)<>>.The transmission started slipping on the way home from work today...Man I sure could stand a little raise in pay. no talking about saving for…
Justin Otter Guy's avatar
ONE TIN SOLDIER Listen children to a story That was written long ago 'Bout a kingdom on a mountain And the valley folk below On the mountain was a treasure Buried deep beneath a stone And the valley people swore They'd have it…
terrysongs's avatar
For the SPILL'T BEER album
terrysongs's avatar
For the SPILL'T BEER album
terrysongs's avatar
For the SPILL'T BEER album
terrysongs's avatar
For the SPILL'T BEER album
terrysongs's avatar
For the SPILL'T BEER album