terrysongs's listening history

terrysongs's avatar
Not to offend any Episcopalians or maiden librarians but this one is a little starched shirt feeling, but it holds a good thought
terrysongs's avatar
While I don't feel at all worthy of being considered a devout man. I intend to keep asking God to get me where he wants me to go.
terrysongs's avatar
My own attempt to make a song of faith once again.
terrysongs's avatar
My own attempt to make a song of faith once again.
terrysongs's avatar
We all struggle to find that peace in our hearts, to care about our love ones, and to care about what is important. The struggle is who and what we amount to.
terrysongs's avatar
It's what is referred to as the GRIT in your belly, that is fueling the Occupy movement we the people have always had this character and resilience .
terrysongs's avatar
The hard times of the 99% is all over, and it's time the people who put us all in this mess be called out ,and have their stink be put in the street.
terrysongs's avatar
In the end its all down to you and me.
terrysongs's avatar
Like anyone who happens to look, I see the signs of a failing economy all over the Country. This song is a effort to encourage folks to struggle for a more open and equitable system for the financial benefit of all of us.
terrysongs's avatar
This old civil war song, calls to mind the needless slaughter and stark inequity of wars.