the bearded men stood up and left the room.'s listening history
It's about living at the bottom and being content with it and then thinking, there more? I gotta get out of here. What is that bright light?
I thought the hand claps were a bit weird but I wasn't running this dog and pony show. See more notes under "red cowboy" and "I left my toothbrush in St. Louis".
red cowboy and hot burrito were recordings done for a friend of mine who wanted to check out his new (old) drum machine. Both drum parts are constructed from prerecorded beats (from presets or previous owner, I don't know) and have 4-5 bass tracks…
red cowboy and hot burrito were recordings done for a friend of mine who wanted to check out his new (old) drum machine. Both drum parts are constructed from prerecorded beats (from presets or previous owner, I don't know) and have 4-5 bass tracks…
It's ALL bass, and one ocarina track. And a gong. And a radio broadcast from Saudi Arabia from Desert Storm (the first time we went over). So I guess it's not ALL bass. It's MOSTLY bass.
It's ALL bass, and one ocarina track. And a gong. And a radio broadcast from Saudi Arabia from Desert Storm (the first time we went over). So I guess it's not ALL bass. It's MOSTLY bass.
this one almost didn't make it on. Used to like it, but now, not so much.